December 24, 2003
I've taken out the Rainbow Brite pages, I'm not really a fan anymore. I'm working on a Remus Lupin/Sirius Black website which should be up soon! Check out the "about me" page, I've updated that as well.
April 27, 2003
MAJOR update! Tony and I got ENGAGED!! So, I've made a wedding website for everyone to see. The link is below, and it goes into details about the proposal and the ceremony.
April 15, 2003
I have been slacking, I know. I'm about sick of Tripod and I haven't been online at all recently. New this time is some closings. I have taken down the Blue Zone and the Ojamajo Doremi pages. I am keeping up the Rainbow Brite pages because I still love that show. They're going to be MAJORLY reworked soon. Some of the pictures and the links are broken, just ignore that. COMING SOON: I'm going to put up a photo album of me, my friends, and my family.
November 9, 2002
Wow! It's been four months, and I haven't touched this page. Well, I got rid of the Golden Elite. That site really blew. I had to keep updating the links and make a "spirit page". It was pretty gay. Also, they kept sending these people to sign my guestbook. Check out the guestbook for the "faeires". Yeah...sure.... Anyway, no real updates. I'll get around to it later!
July 22, 2002
Sorry for the long break in updates, but we've been busy around here. The new page is coming along slowly, but we're not going to reveal what it is yet. No big updates on the page, but we did fix some links here and there. Also, the store is gone. No one bought anything from it anyway.
June 5, 2002
Some little updates here and there. Wedge FINALLY updated her personal page, so you can see what's been going on in her life lately. Some more sites got a Wedge Hut award. The links have been cleaned up a little, but some are still broken. If you have a good Ojamajo Doremi link, send it to Wedge to check out. We're also going to start making OD awards, so get your OD pages ready! One last thing, vote for the next exhibit. Wedge will have this up for a few weeks while she starts on the next exhibit for the club.
May 8, 2002
It's been a little while, but we're back. The Rainbow Brite page was updated a little. The episode transcripts are down for a little bit, but not for long. Wedge is going to fix them up a bit and, with the help of Scooter's pics, make them look really nice. Also, we gave out another award. Check out "Out of Site" Rainbow Brite on the awards page for the definate potential award.
March 17, 2002
Some little changes here and there. Wedge cleaned up some of the links, and added one. Visit Laurie's page, it's one of the new links. There's also some new Rainbow Brite adoptions from Aquamarine's Rainbow Land. She's got some AWESOME artwork on her page. Go and check out her Moonglo adoption.
March 1, 2002
The Wedge Hut just opened it's first store. We're selling t-shirts, sweatshirts, tote bags, boxer shorts, and mousepads. Some of the pictures are custom made by Wedge herself. Any active member of Katy's Rainbow Brite mailing list gets a discount, email Wedge for more info. Also, the Fan Stuff contest page has been updated with more entries.
January 22, 2002
The club has entered itself into a new "site war" type contest. This is The Golden Elite, a contest with not many rules. That, and the sites in the contest don't have to be linked to any particular theme. Vote for this site using the banner at the bottom of this main page. Also, new banners are up to link to the Wedge Hut. Check it out on the banner page!
January 10, 2002
The Wedge Hut has upgraded into a premier site on Tripod. That means...NO MORE ADS!!! Also, the site updates were cluttering the main page a little. They were moved onto a seperate page. The link is below. The Fan Stuff page was updated a lot, check it out. Stay tuned for new banners, Wedge is just about done with them!
January 3, 2002
The contest is on, and we already have one entry by Scooter Berg. Check out the Fan Stuff pages for his AWESOME entry. If you'd like to compete, email your fan stuff to Wedge or post it on the Rainbow Brite mailing list. (If you're a member, that is. If not, check out for more info.)
December 27, 2001
The Wedge Hut is going to be hosting a Rainbow Brite fan fiction/fan art contest very soon. All forms of fan art (stories, poems, drawings, websites, cartoons, music, ANYTHING!) will be accepted. Keep tuned to this site for more info.
December 13, 2001
It's been WAY too long since the Wedge Hut has been updated, and Wedge apoligizes for this. In Wedge's defence, she's just come back from a two month TAD in Camp Pendleton and plans on putting up some new content very soon. The Ojamajo Doremi exhibit was updated a little, but Wedge decided not to put up any episode guides. Wedge has just become a member of the International Ghost Hunter's Society, take a look at their site. The link is at the bottom of this page.
September 14, 2001
In responce to the national tragity that happened on September 11, Wedge has been on duty every day. Being a US Marine, this has affected her very much. She prays that Americans unite, and as a country we can begin to heal. She also asks that any visitors to the Wedge Hut follow us and make their website a small tribute to the American cause.
All updates prior to September 14th were deleated, but the Wedge Hut was created in 1998.
Back to the Wedge Hut.